Be the inspiration for the next generation of Leaders.

Full Time Opportunities

  • Social Emotional Program Manager

    The Social and Emotional Program Manager will lead C5LA’s social and emotional wellness initiatives, establishing a comprehensive and integrated SEL (social and emotional learning) framework across all C5LA programs. This role will be a critical resource for both Leaders and staff, guiding C5LA’s efforts to address and support the emotional and mental wellness needs of our youth. The Social and Emotional Program Manager will design, implement, and evaluate an SEL curriculum that aligns with the unique needs of C5LA Leaders and train staff in effective SEL techniques. This role will provide both 1:1 and group support for Leaders, and work with program staff to ensure SEL is consistently incorporated into our programming.

  • Academic Support Manager

    The Academic Support Manager will be responsible for establishing and leading C5LA’s academic support initiatives with the primary goal of helping Leaders maintain and increase their year-over-year grade point averages, support their journey toward high school graduation, and prepare them for college enrollment. The Academic Support Manager will develop an academic success framework, monitor each Leader’s academic progress, and provide resources to ensure their coursework meets California’s A-G requirements for high school graduation. Working closely with the class managers, this role will offer targeted support to individual Leaders and groups as needed, equipping them with academic skills, time management strategies, and the knowledge to excel academically.

Seasonal Opportunities

  • Students and staff at Camp Stevens raising arms and smiling

    Camp Counselor

    The role and expectation of the Camp Counselor is to create an environment to develop leadership and growth among rising high school freshmen.

  • Students smiling on California college campus.

    College Tour Mentor

    The role and expectation of the College Tour Mentor is to guide and mentor rising high school juniors on their College Tour programs.

  • Students smiling and holding smoothies in hand

    ACT Now Mentor

    The role and expectation of the ACT Now Mentor is to guide and mentor rising high school seniors. Mentors lead and facilitate programming pertinent to independent living skills and professional development.

  • Students smiling at camera with shopping cart outside of grocery store.

    College Bootcamp Mentor

    The role and expectation of a College Bootcamp Mentor is to guide and mentor high school graduates. Mentors lead and facilitate programming pertinent to the multiple facets of success beyond high school.